Ember: A Penguin Special from Roc

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2 izibuyekezo

Mayelana nale ebook

Plagued by overpopulation, disease, and starvation, humanity was headed for extinction—until an alien race called the haan arrived. And then the real trouble began.

Dragan Shao is a dedicated soldier, but he’s seen—and delivered—too much death and despair as a border zone guard. After he secures a discharge, he travels to the gritty city of Hangfei, where he hopes being a security guard patrolling the impact rim—the wasteland that surrounds the haan spaceship since it crash-landed fifty years ago—will be a less devastating duty. But that’s before he receives a distress signal from a girl more in need of saving than himself…

Don’t miss James K. Decker’s The Burn Zone

Izilinganiso nezibuyekezo

2 izibuyekezo

Mayelana nomlobi

James K. Decker is the author of The Burn Zone.

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