Encountering Jesus: Modern-Day Stories of His Supernatural Presence and Power

· Baker Books
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Remarkable True Stories of Jesus's Supernatural Presence

In this new collection, people who have seen Jesus, heard his voice, or had him intervene miraculously in their lives share their fascinating stories. Readers will be inspired as they see Jesus at work in a variety of circumstances, many of which are similar to their own. Though Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, these accounts will show how he loves each person individually and manifests himself to each one in a unique and special way. Readers longing for more of Jesus will be drawn closer to the God who is intimately involved and cares about every detail in our lives.

Автор жөнүндө

James Stuart Bell is a Christian publishing veteran and the owner of Whitestone Communications, a literary development agency. He is the editor of many story collections, including God Encounters, the Cup of Comfort and Extraordinary Answers to Prayer series, as well as the coauthor of numerous books in the Complete Idiot's Guide series. He has cover credit on over one hundred books, and he and his wife live in the western suburbs of Chicago.

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