Enemy Within (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)

· HarperCollins UK
2 recenzie
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Táto e‑kniha

She Had to Harden Her Heart!

A troubled childhood and a disastrous love affair had left Michaela older and wiser - and vowing never to get close to anyone again. And that certainly included photographer Ryan Douglas with his legendary reputation as a womanizer!

Ryan was determined to believe that Mickey had encouraged her half sister to run off with his wealthy nephew - and he was going to make Mickey pay the price by demanding that she join his search for the missing pair.

Ryan was Mickey's enemy: he had the power to threaten the whole fabric of her life - and even if she wasn't able to avoid being with him, she could refuse to fall in love!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

2 recenzie

O autorovi

Amanda Browning began writing romances when she left her job at the library and wondered what to do next. She remembered a colleague once told her to write a romance, and went for it. What is left of her spare time is spent doing gardening and counted cross-stitch, and she really enjoys the designs based on the works of Marty Bell. Amanda is happily single and lives in the old family home on the borders of Essex, England.

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