Every Step an Arrival: A 90-Day Devotional for Exploring God's Word

· Được bán bởi WaterBrook
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Giới thiệu về sách điện tử này

Walk through the pages of the Bible in 90 days with a definitive voice in Christian spirituality. In this devotional, Eugene Peterson provides brief commentary and challenging thoughts designed to stir the biblical imagination and encourage even the weary believer.

Life is a mixture of deep joy, heartbreaking disappointment, and hopeful dreams. We long for quick answers, yet God invites us into something far better—a dance of worship, wonder, and mystery.

Discover this beautiful rhythm in Every Step an Arrival, a ninety-day devotional from the beloved translator behind the popular Message Bible and the author of spiritual classics, including Run with the Horses and A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.

Eugene Peterson believes our confusion about the world comes from a lack of clarity regarding who we are and, more important, who God is. Each reading focuses on a unique facet of God’s nature or of our identity. Drawing insights and stories from a number of books in the Old Testament, Peterson stirs the imagination and encourages travel-weary readers to keep moving forward.

Life is full of unexpected moments. But when we enter each day in rhythm with God, every step is an arrival.

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2 bài đánh giá

Giới thiệu tác giả

Eugene H. Peterson, translator of The Message Bible, authored more than thirty books, including the spiritual classics Run with the Horses and A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. He earned a degree in philosophy from Seattle Pacific University, a graduate degree in theology from New York Theological Seminary, and a master’s degree in Semitic languages from John Hopkins University. He also received several honorary doctoral degrees. He was founding pastor of Christ Our King Presbyterian Church in Bel Air, Maryland, where he and his wife, Jan, served for twenty-nine years. Peterson held the title of professor emeritus of spiritual theology at Regent College, British Columbia from 1998 until his death in 2018.

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