Exile's Challenge

· The Exiles Saga 2-kitob · Sotuvchi: Spectra
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The masterful conclusion to the Exiles saga:

Angus Wells is one of today's masters of epic fantasy. Now, continuing the thrilling new adventure begun in Exile's Children, he weaves his beguiling powers of magic into an unforgettable tale...

Escaping a life of servitude under the evil Autarchy, a warrior, his beautiful wife, and a gifted Dreamer are refugees from the war-ravaged prison colony of Salvation. It was the young Davyd's dreams, magically bound to those of a far-off Seer, that guided their perilous flight to the land of the Matawaye. But even now they might not be safe. For a man whose gifts are eclipsed by Davyd's is looking for the perfect vengeance. Meanwhile, a renegade band of the Matawaye, forced out by their peaceable leaders, is wreaking havoc on Salvation. And there's worse to come. For the real threat has yet to descend on Salvation--and when it does, its bloodlust and magic could well mean the end of them all.

Muallif haqida

Angus Wells was born in a small village in Kent, England. He worked as a publicist and as a science fiction and fantasy editor before becoming a full-time author. His works include The Books of the Kingdoms (Wrath of Ashar, The Usurper, The Way Beneath), The Godwars (Forbidden Magic, Dark Magic, Wild Magic), the standalone novel Lords of the Sky, and the two-book Exiles Saga: Exile’s Children and Exile’s Challenge. Angus Wells died in 2006.

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