Expectations and Possibilities: How to Create Your Path to Discovery and Achievement

· Wipf and Stock Publishers

ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

Joe Batten, one of America's leading management consultants, presents his dynamic "can do" philosophy of personal and professional fulfillment…a practical action guide based on years of working with successful, goal-oriented people.

This isn't a book of nebulous advice, but a highly readable, time-tested, step-by-step program for changing your life!


Joe D. Batten is Chair and CEO of the consulting firm of Batten, Batten, Hudson & Swab, Inc., based in Des Moines, Iowa. His clients have included McDonalds, Xerox, Marriot, and IBM. He is the author of 12 books, including 'Tough-Minded Leadership'. 'Tough-Minded Management' has been translated into twenty-one languages. Mr. Batten has reached virtually hundreds of thousands of people with his philosophy of tough-minded" living and working. He is a bold and articulate author whose work has enriched the lives of many managers.

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