Experiencing the Cross: Your Greatest Opportunity for Victory Over Sin

· Multnomah ээс худалдаалагдав
4 шүүмж
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Learn to surrender to the deeper dimensions of the cross, so that nothing can block the Lord’s presence and power in your life!

Jesus Christ died not so that you would recognize a historical fact. Or memorize a particular doctrine. Or continue with life as is. No, Christ’s death was God’ s decisive deed in your life, conquering sin once and for all. The cross beckons you every day, with power to transform every detail of your existence as you begin to see Calvary from God’s perspective.

Henry Blackaby leads you on an exploration through the deeper dimensions of the cross, ensuring that the further you go, the more you will:

- Deal radically and completely with sin
- Embrace a true and lasting union with Christ
- Experience the fullness and reality of His victory in your life
- And much more

Will you yield to God’s provision in His cross? Will you receive the power and presence of Jesus Christ? Will you dare to experience the cross?

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4 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Henry T. Blackaby, president of Blackaby Ministries, is the author of more than a dozen books, including Experiencing God. He has spent his life in ministry, serving as a music director, Christian education director, and as senior pastor of churches in California and Canada . During his local church ministry, he became a college president, a missionary, and later an executive in Southern Baptist Convention life. Today he provides consultative leadership on prayer for revival and spiritual awakening on a global level. Blackaby and his wife, Marilynn, have five children and thirteen grandchildren.

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