
· Experimental Heart წიგნი 4 · Shannon Pemrick
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ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Emotions suck.

Before he came along, I never knew what it meant to belong. I walked the thin line between life and death. There was no middle-ground. This dragon taught me more than I imagined was possible. With him by my side, everything was right.

And then it all fell apart.

To keep him safe, I let go of the most important thing to me. It hurt—a lot. I can't dwell on what could have been, when our freedom is on the line. Going back to my old ways proves more difficult than I imagined.

And fate... it has a way of getting what it wants.

I rebuild the walls inside, to keep me sane, only to have them crumble again. Each trial—each step closer to our freedom—my resolve wavers. And when I face the ultimate test, it's not just my future on the line.



Destiny (#1)

Pieces (#2)

Secrets (#3)

Exposed (#4)

Surrendered (#5)

Reborn (#6)


Note: Like all of Shannon Pemrick's work, the Experimental Heart series contains strong language, violence, substance use, love scenes, and difficult situations.

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ავტორის შესახებ

USA Today bestselling author Shannon Pemrick is a full-time slow-burn romantic fantasy author, fuller-time geek, and unrelenting dragon enthusiast. She owns too many novelty mugs, not enough chocolate, and maintains a forbidden love-affair with all things shiny. When she's not burning her fingers across a keyboard handing out adventures and HEAs, she's rolling dice and getting lost in RPGs or searching for brides for her dragon overlords.

To find out more about Shannon and her books, visit

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