Extra Cheesy Zits

· Andrews Mcmeel+ORM

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A hilarious treasury of the beloved comic strip, featuring the daily struggles of an Ohio teen and his family.

Teenagers are unpredictable creatures. They don’t seem to follow a schedule, observe rules (of the road or basic logic), but occasionally, they make a surprising amount of sense. Extra Cheesy Zits is here to shed light on the always confounding, often amusing experience of parenting teens. Join the Duncan family—Connie, Walt, and Jeremy—as they grapple with modern technology, confront homework deadlines, and learn to bridge the cultural divide between parents and teenagers.

Extra Cheesy Zits offers a light-hearted yet insightful look into the multifaceted lives of modern teens and their families, complemented by annotations from the creators. From mood swings to the perils of sharing a car, this collection broaches many familiar topics with humor and compassion.

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