Fahrenheit Twins

· HarperCollins Canada
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One of the most original and daring writers in English letters, Michel Faber shows his incredible mastery of wildly diverse literary forms with this, his long-awaited second collection of stories. Faber’s characters in these 17 fictions are often dislocated—fragile beings confronting moments of fracture—in worlds that are both real and surreal. From the achingly sad lives of “The Safehouse” to the moments of exquisite happiness in “Vanilla-right Like Eminem” to the futuristic savagery of “The Fahrenheit Twins,” these are fearless stories that crack our humanity wide open. With his brilliant characterization and pitch-perfect prose, Michel Faber has produced a short story collection that will seal his reputation as one of our most arresting and gifted writers.

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MICHEL FABER is the author of the highly acclaimed The Crimson Petal and the White, The Fahrenheit Twins and the Whitbread-shortlisted novel Under the Skin. The Apple, based on characters in The Crimson Petal and the White, was published in 2006. He has also written two novellas, The Hundred and Ninety-Nine Steps (2001) and The Courage Consort (2002), and has won several short-story awards, including the Neil Gunn, Ian St James and Macallan. Born in Holland and brought up in Australia, he now lives in the Scottish Highlands.

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