Fallen Idols: A Century of Screen Sex Scandals

· Casemate Publishers
Počet strán

Táto e‑kniha

Its a scandal! How often we use that phrase and what a catalogue of sins it covers. Thats what this book is all about. It is literally a catalogue of sins committed by some of the most celebrated names on the planet.Within these covers are startling stories of scandals during a century when screen idols seemed to vie with each other in outraging public decency. It was an age when fan fever was at its height and an endless supply of shocking revelations emerged to fuel the frenzy.Because of the perpetrators superstar status, the shame of exposure was often heightened, not only wrecking reputations but often harming careers and, at least, ensuring very public humiliation.The lessons learned from these cases of celebrity scandal (though often, it seems, not by the celebrities themselves) is that the bigger the star, the harder the fall and that deceit and intrigue so often turn hard-won fame into instant infamy.

O autorovi

NIGEL BLUNDELL is a journalist who has worked in Australia, the United States and Britain. He spent twenty-five years in Fleet Street before becoming a contributor to national newspapers. He is author of more than 50 factual books, including best-sellers on celebrity and crime.

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