Falling For The Teacher (Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical) (Pinewood Weddings, Book 3)

· Pinewood Weddings 第 3 本图书 · HarperCollins UK


Though she once fled from Pinewood, Sadie Spencer can’t stay away when her ailing grandparents need her. But she never expected to come face to face with the brother of the man who caused her to leave town.

Sadie doesn’t care how honest or kind Cole Aylward may seem—she isn’t about to let him continue managing her family’s business. Cole has worked hard to prove he’s nothing like his brother. All he wants is to try to make up for the hurt Payne caused her family. But slowly Sadie’s quiet determination and bravery helps him face his own fears. Can Cole convince her he’s a man worthy of the trust she longs to give?


Award winning author Dorothy Clark enjoys traveling with her husband throughout the United States doing research and gaining inspiration for future books. Dorothy values our American heritage and believes in God, family, love and happy endings, which explains why she feels so at home writing for Love Inspired Historical. Dorothy enjoys hearing from her readers and may be contacted at dorothyjclark@hotmail.com or www.dorothyjclark.com


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