Fastcore Photos

· Shook Up
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Will Butler keeps himself busy by playing a huge part in fast DIY hardcore punk music and running To Live A Lie Records. His record label is an outlet to show new bands to the masses the best he can. What it doesn't show is a vibrant small DIY scene that has developed in the Southeast, in and around Raleigh, NC, where Will calls home. Will has been a frequent contributor to Maximum Rock'N'Roll as well as Short, Fast, & Loud and has created a few short run emphemeral magazines from Don't Be Swindle, a grindcore/powerviolence-centric fanzine, to Distort Raleigh, a historical local punk zine, and his greatest contribution Fastcore Photos, a photozine that includes dazzling photos as well as show reviews and interviews. Shook Up will be releasing his Fastcore Photos book which compiles two hard to find first issues, an unreleased third issue, as well as many extras.

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Will Butler – boshqa kitobllari