Roger Brian Thomas, 42, is a rather eccentric metaphysicist and author currently residing within Prarie Du Chien, Wisconsin. A city-guy turned farmer, he writes his abnormal tales upon a small farm which he shares with his mother and oldest brother, a strange dog, and an overabundance of cats. Until recently, his father and aunt also lived there. Now disembodied, they still visit him from time to time. A fan of television, movies, books, video games, board games, and role-playing games, Roger has also studied every religion and secret society he could unearth from the depths of history. Although he still considers himself to be unaffiliated, he has studied everything from ancient Hebrew, Latin, Catholicism, Satanism, Paganism, the Argentinum Adepti, the Ordo Templi Orientiis, the Egyptian Priesthood of Ur, and the Novu Ordo. If it's considered a secret, he wants to know what exactly it is. Roger remains steadfastly single, having thus far been unable to discover what he would consider a kindred soul. Not that he has stopped looking. His passions are stories, in whatever form they may take. He believes our imagination is the temple that frees our conscious self from temporal ambiguity. Be true to thyself. Everything else will follow suit. Time advances upon time. What one cannot see, can change how one perceives one's own reality. We are all stories in the end.