Feeding the Starving Mind: A Personalized, Comprehensive Approach to Overcoming Anorexia and Other Starvation Eating Disorders

· New Harbinger Publications
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О овој е-књизи

Starvation eating disorders such as anorexia not only affect your body, but also take a devastating toll on your mind. Constantly feeling anxious about your weight, your appearance, and your self-worth can leave you mentally exhausted. And no matter how thin you become, it's impossible to be happy when you are controlled by anxious and obsessive thoughts.

If you're ready to stop letting your eating disorder run your life, Feeding the Starving Mind can help. As you work through the program in this book, you'll discover the source of your eating disorder, identify the compulsive thoughts that contribute to it, and take steps toward developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise.

  • Develop a personal eating disorder profile
  • Learn how to eat without purging and restore your weight
  • Learn cognitive behavior therapy skills for managing weight-related anxiety and fear
  • Create a treatment plan to restore your health and happiness
  • Keep destructive thoughts and patterns of behavior from coming back
  • О аутору

    Doreen A. Samelson, Ed.D., MSCP, is a medical psychologist specializing in weight loss surgery and the treatment of eating disorders. She is committed to helping people with weight or food-related problems experience improved health and quality of life. An experienced public speaker, she regularly lectures on weight and food-related topics, and is author of Feeding the Starving Mind. She lives in northern California.

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