Feline The Burn: An Urban Fantasy Witch Romance

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Firehouse Witches 3. kniha · Drowlgon Press
6 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

Enter a world filled with powerful witches, epic battles for the coven's crowns, a witch who shifts uncontrollably into a cat, and three charming (and hot!) firemen in this complete urban fantasy reverse harem romance series.

Callie's Check List

1. Turn yourself over to a tyrant.

2. Freak out because everyone is mad.

3. Try not to lose your cat.

4. Make the hot firemen yours.

5. Work out how to do magic.

I've found everything I searched for. I know the truth—And it is a doozy. Now that my uncle has helped me unlock my powers, I have to officially abdicate my claim to the throne.

Except, everyone is so mad at me. They think I should double cross him before he betrays me.

All I want to do is keep my cat, keep my guys, and if I can liberate an entire coven in the process, that would be amazing.

- Feline the Burn is book three of the Firehouse Witches Series, a paranormal reverse harem with a side of laughter and plenty of heat (and it's not just coming from the fire!)

Firehouse Witches Search Terms & Keywords: urban fantasy, supernatural suspense, fantasy, paranormal, friends to lovers, forced proximity, fated mates, paranormal romance, urban fantasy romance, new adult fantasy, fantasy romance, romantic fantasy, complete series, magical, slow burn, witches, reverse harem, rh, whychoose, poly, steamy, spicy, kittens, cats, familiars, royalty, betrayal, hot firemen, tortured past, best friends, save the world

Hodnotenia a recenzie

6 recenzií

O autorovi

Laura is a USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal, fantasy, and urban fantasy romance (though she can occasionally be found writing contemporary romance). When she's not writing, she drinks a lot of tea, tries to resist French macarons, and works towards a diploma in Egyptology. She lives in the UK, where most of her books are set.

L.A. Boruff lives in East Tennessee with her husband, three children, and an ever growing number of cats. She loves reading, watching TV, and procrastinating by browsing Facebook. L.A.'s passions include vampires, food, and listening to heavy metal music. She once won a Harry Potter trivia contest based on the books, and lost one based on the movies. She has two bands on her bucket list that she still hasn't seen: AC/DC and Alice Cooper. Feel free to send tickets.

Lacey Carter Andersen loves reading, writing, and drinking excessive amounts of coffee. She spends her days taking care of her husband, three kids, and three cats. But at night, everything changes! Her imagination runs wild with strong-willed characters, unique worlds, and exciting plots that she enthusiastically puts into stories.

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