Finding Faith: A Clean Romance

· The Finding Home Series पुस्तक 2 · Purple Puppy Publishing
१०३ समीक्षाहरू

यो इ-पुस्तकका बारेमा

★Mary's sworn off ever having children. Can one very hot and very persistent single father change her mind?

Two decades ago, Mary's mom walked out. A few days later, her dad started drinking. He never stopped. Mary swore off alcohol. She also decided she'd never have kids, just in case she took after her parents.

A year ago, Mary's boyfriend dumped her because she didn't want to have any children.

Yesterday, for the first time in a year, Mary met someone. Someone hunky. Someone smart. Someone who made her goofy smile. Someone who sent a shiver up her spine.

Tomorrow she's going on a first date.

She won't find out he's a widower with two kids for at least two more days. Can she overcome her fear and find the faith to trust someone else. . .and herself?

Trade Reviews and Author Recommendations

"With an opening line that is both assertive and striking, the book begins with a strong narrator who claims her own story. As Mary tells her past, she becomes vulnerable with those in her life and her readers.

Baker’s dialogue has the capacity to reflect the diction of a thirty-year-old and a five-year-old, encompassing a wide range of perspectives. Amy’s and Chase’s imperfect sputters and continual deviance paint an authentic picture of children's behavior.

The Christmas setting nearly typecasts this book with all the novelistic qualities of a Hallmark movie. The honeyed beginning and equally passionate ending provide a childish delight that kindles the spirit of a hopeless romantic.

Despite the complexities littered throughout this tale, Finding Faith reads like the honeymoon stage of a relationship. It’s filled with laughter, an idealized reality, and an endless craving for the story to continue. Luke’s and Mary’s love offers a temporary euphoria that shows romance is sometimes found where it is least expected." Publisher's Weekly

"Finding Faith is a heartwarming and brilliant story about love, loss, and learning what you really want." USA Today Bestselling author, Elana Johnson

“A fun romance! I highly enjoyed it. Bridget knows how to tug at your heartstrings. A fantastic read!” NYT Bestselling Author, Victorine E. Lieske

KEYWORDS: Billionaire romance; clean billionaire romance; clean and wholesome romance; romantic women's fiction; inspirational romance; women's fiction; romantic comedy; chick lit; mistaken identity; single dad romance; single dad; holiday romance; christmas romance; sweet romance; contemporary romance; heart and healing; found family; faith in yourself; faith romance; family saga; recovering from trauma; You've Got Mail; billionaire romance next door; blue collar romance.

मूल्याङ्कन र समीक्षाहरू

१०३ समीक्षाहरू

लेखकको बारेमा

Bridget won her first writing contest in first grade with a story about a day in the life of a little spot of air. (Who says you need a good hook?)  

She hasn't stopped writing (or talking) since then, although she was briefly derailed by her pursuit of a legal career. Ultimately, boring words, well, bored her. She quit her job to spend less time counting gobs of ill gotten gains, and more time writing stories. 

She loves her husband and all five of her kids (most days). She has a yappy dog and a bouncy dog, three goofy horses, a demanding cat, two lion's head rabbits, and more chickens than she cares to admit. (Chicken math is REAL!) Every day is a battle between playing with kids, riding her horse Leo, and writing. If her publication speed has slowed down, you can blame the kids and the horse.

She makes cookies all the time, and thinks they should have their own food group. In a possibly misguided attempt at balancing the scales between overconsumption and exertion, she kickboxes every day. So if you don't like her kids, her cookies, or her books, maybe don't tell her in person.

Please sign up for her newsletter on her website at:!

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