First Time, Forever (Fabulous Fathers, Book 61)

· Fabulous Fathers 61. knjiga · HarperCollins UK
1 mnenje

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She was the world's oldest virgin...

But that didn't mean Kathleen Miles had no feelings. Or desires. Especially when this pure-blood city woman came face-to-face with the most captivating cowboy this side of Hopkins Gulch. Why, when warm, hard Evan Atkins looked at Kathleen, it was as if he were seeing someone else. Someone who was daring. Passionate. Experienced. Yes, she was sure this dangerous man with the deep-timbered voice could convince her of anything. Maybe that was why she said 'I do' to becoming his tiny tot's mama. But how could the bride convince the groom she wanted to be his–body and soul?

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1 mnenje

O avtorju

Cara Colter shares ten acres in British Columbia with her real life hero Rob, ten horses, a dog and a cat. She has three grown children and a grandson. Cara is a recipient of the Career Acheivement Award in the Love and Laughter category from Romantic Times BOOKreviews. Cara invites you to visit her on Facebook!

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