Flight of the Pummeled Parakeet #6

· Undead Pets Kirja 6 · Myyjä: Penguin
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The sixth book in this hilarious series about the Protector of Undead Pets and the zombie animals he helps.

Joe’s latest visitor had a fly-in with a window—splat! Now Pete the parakeet is dead, and his owner is going to be robbed! Pete needs Joe—the Protector of Undead Pets—to help prevent it from happening, but will Joe succeed so Pete can fly on to his final destination? Funny and full of adventure, this series is ideal for boys and girls seeking a fast-paced and amusing chapter book.

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Sam Hay is a former journalist and has written several children’s books. She lives with her husband, two children, and several pets in a small house with a big garden in Scotland.

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