Fly Guy and the Alienzz (Fly Guy #18)

· Predajca: Scholastic Inc.
10 recenzií
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Táto e‑kniha

A hysterical, action-packed outer space adventure for Fly Guy and Buzz in the New York Times bestselling Fly Guy series.

Buzz is making a movie about aliens from outer space. When the action begins, superheroes Fly Guy and Buzz Boy are protecting a secret fort in the sky when an alien ship captures them! The duo must outsmart the aliens and the space pirates with the help of Dragon Dude and Fly Girl. The fun-zee is never-ending in this early chapter book.

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10 recenzií

O autorovi

Tedd Arnold is the bestselling author and illustrator of the Fly Guy (Zig Zag et Zazie) series, Green Wilma, Parts, and other popular picture books. He is also the illustrator of Detective Blue. He has received Theodor Seuss Geisel Honors for Hi! Fly Guy (Salut Zig Zag!) and I Spy Fly Guy! (Où es-tu Zig Zag?). Tedd lives with his wife, Carol, in Florida.

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