Flynn's Log 2: Thorn's Lair

· Stone Marshall's Flynn's Log 2. kniha · Stone Marshall Publishing
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STUCK IN A VIDEO GAME and facing certain death, Flynn takes his only option. He steps through a portal. . .

The second book in the series, Flynn's Log 2: Thorn's Lair, finds Flynn on the other side of the portal.

Flynn and friends travel into a terrifying place and face never before seen masses of mobs! Flynn discovers why he is in the game and learns how to exit, but it will not be easy.

To fulfill his destiny he must make a dangerous journey. With the help of his friends both digital and physical, will Flynn get out?

About the Flynn's Log series: In the near future, video games begin to change and evolve. Random bits of data create a virtual intelligence that takes over the digital world. A digital crisis is born, bringing the real world to a halt. The only person who can save the world is Flynn, but he needs help from his friends, the Hackers.

“Very thrilling idea and plot.” -Michelle Au

“One of the best books since the 'The Lost Hero'. With one-liners, cliff hangers, and a super-intelligent ultra spider” -Tayo Fafunwa

“My son really enjoys this series so far, keeps him reading every day! After he finished this book he was even interested in reading other subjects because he felt more confident to read a chapter book.” -Montana Mom

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388 recenzií

O autorovi

STONE MARSHALL likes comics, video games, running, the Ramones, and travel. Stone reads stories with his son at bedtime. Sometimes, when they finish a book before falling asleep, Stone fills the time by creating great stories starring his son, Nabru. It is a wonderful time to share lessons about life and relationships.

In turn, Nabru becomes involved in the incredible adventures, adding his thoughts and perspectives. The ideas and stories of Nabru are the seeds of the amazing books that have become this series.

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