Follow the Cloud: Hearing God's Voice One Next Step at a Time

· Myyjä: Multnomah
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"Stickl explains how hearing the still small voice of God and obeying his call will lead us into a deeper, more passionate relationship with him.”
—Robert Morris, founding senior pastor, Gateway Church, Dallas/Fort Worth

There is a big difference between being set free and living free.

How do I know what to do with my life? How do I hear God’s voice? Maybe the answer is easier than we think. When God led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land, He gave them a cloud to follow. He led them in an intimately personal, ever-present way one next step at a time. He led them without revealing the whole picture because he wanted them to follow by faith.
In Follow the Cloud, Pastor John Stickl uses this image to ask, “What if we stopped letting obligation drive us and instead let grace lead us? What if instead of focusing on our faithfulness toward God, we focus on God’s faithfulness toward us?” 
The cloud of God’s presence is moving in your life right now. Maybe God is inviting you to follow him to a new career or relationship. Maybe he is inviting you to extend forgiveness, share your story, or give up your addiction. Whatever your next step is, God is leading you to discover who you are, who he is, and what you were created to do. He is inviting you to a life of freedom. Inviting you home - one step at a time.

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John Stickl is the lead pastor of Valley Creek Church, a multi-site church in Texas named one of Outreach Magazine’s top 100 fastest-growing churches three years in a row. Stickl has a master’s degree in Christian leadership from Denver Seminary. He lives in Highland Village, Texas, with his wife, Colleen, and their two kids.

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