Fright Court

· Washington Vampires 1-р ном · Peabridge Press
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"A great vampire story with a completely different twist!" — Reader A.S.

Sarah Anderson has finally found her dream job: Clerk of Court for the Washington DC Night Court. Then she’s attacked by a vampire defendant. 

James Morton, Sarah’s alluring boss, saves her life by letting her drink his own vampire blood. But then he insists on self-defense training that’s nearly as dangerous as a courtroom bloodsucker.

Soon, Sarah lives a double life. By night, she works with James to outwit a criminal vampire mastermind. By day, she answers a persistent reporter’s shrewd inquiries, fighting her attraction to the journalist who could expose all.

How long can Sarah juggle the magical and mundane before she loses everything?

Magical Washington includes The Washington Witches Series, the Washington Vampires Series, the Washington Warders, and the Washington Medical: Vampire Unit Series:

Girl's Guide to Witchcraft

Sorcery and the Single Girl

Magic and the Modern Girl

Capital Magic

Single Witch's Survival Guide

Joy of Witchcraft

"Dreaming of a Witch Christmas"

"Nice Witches Don't Swear"

Fright Court

Law and Murder

High Stakes Trial

“Stake Me Out to the Ball Game”

The Library, the Witch, and the Warder

The Witch Doctor Is In

Fae's Anatomy

The Lady Doctor is a Vamp

If you like vampire romance, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, cozy paranormal novels, chicklit (chick-lit), then this is the book for you!


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10 шүүмж

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USA Today bestselling author Mindy Klasky learned to read when her parents shoved a book in her hands and told her she could travel anywhere through stories. As a writer, Mindy has traveled through various genres, including paranormal romance, hot contemporary romance, and traditional fantasy. In her spare time, Mindy knits, quilts, and tries to tame her to-be-read shelf.

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