From Here to There: The Story of How We Transport Ourselves and Everything Else

· Smithsonian: Invention & Impact წიგნი 2 · გამყიდველი: Penguin

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This lively history of transportation follows our fascinating route from primitive technology like sandals to driverless cars and beyond!
Since humans first stood upright, we've been on the move. Need food? Water? Land? A place to live? Survival depends upon motion. For thousands of years, people have devised ways to move faster, farther, and more comfortably. Their inventions—shoes, skis, the rudder, the wheel, engines, rockets—have had an enormous impact on how and where human beings live and thrive.

When human beings get a move on, change happens:
- The wheel, probably first used in the Middle East around 6,000 years ago, meant building and trading supplies could be moved more easily—whole civilizations rolled out.
- The Vikings sailed far and wide because they used a keel on their longships.
- Horse-and-carriage gridlock gave rise to subways.
- The bicycle changed the world for women in terms of freedom and fashion.
- Drones and driverless cars are the future . . . coming sooner than we think.

Award-winning author HP Newquist explores the transportation inventions and technologies that have transformed the way we experience the world around us. It’s a fascinating journey!

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HP Newquist is the author of more than twenty books, including Invention & Impact: The Human Body, The Book of Chocolate, The Great Brain Book, a National Science Teachers Association and Children’s Book Council Outstanding Science Book, and The Book of Blood, an American Association for the Advancement of Science award finalist. Other titles include Here There Be Monsters; This Will Kill You; and The Way They Play. Read more about him at

The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum and research complex. Founded in 1846, it includes 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoological Park, and nine research facilities. Its vast collections house 138 million artifacts, specimens, and works of art, which represent our nation’s rich heritage, art from across the globe, and the immense diversity of the natural and cultural world. Learn more at

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