Frost Heaves

· Alana Terry
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She survived the flames. But to save her daughter, she'll have to walk back into the fire ...
After overcoming her experience with an abusive cult, Jade isn't afraid to speak out against the darkness that almost consumed her. But when her daughter disappears on a harsh Alaskan night, Jade's terrified that her worst fears have all come true.
Determined to save her little girl before it's too late, Jade must do the unthinkable: take a deep dive into her past. But as the lies get harder and harder to distinguish from the truth, the dangerous echoes of Jade's former life stalk her every move.
Will her faith sustain her long enough to rescue her daughter?
Frost Heaves is a gripping novel in the powerful Alaskan Refuge Christian Suspense series. If you like strong heroines, rugged backdrops, and faith-driven suspense, then you’ll love Alana Terry’s thrilling tale of suspense.
Buy Frost Heaves to dive into an arctic chill today!

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