Futurewords: A Brick Cave Anthology

· Brick Cave Books
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Futurewords A Brick Cave Anthology is a compilation of stories from five authors from Brick Cave Books. Sharon Skinner, J.A. Giunta, Scott Woods, Colette Black and Bob Nelson each add a story to this strong collection of science fiction.

If you have yet to introduce yourself to Brick Cave, or are curious about what's next from our talented group of creators, you definitely want to pre-order Futurewords A Brick Cave Anthology.

Included Authors

Five of Brick Cave's authors have come together to create this unique collection including:

Sharon Skinner
A young woman on a distant planet embarks upon a perilous journey, seeking a mythical place rumored to hold the answers to the questions that have haunted her since childhood, and finds a surprising personal truth.

J.A. Giunta
Time is… well… relative.

Scott Woods
Second Coming Soon
It’s the second coming and it could be the greatest comeback tour ever.

Colette Black
Swan’s Petition
Sir Richard Swan’s petition recounts the origin of his kind through the history of his forebear; a boy in love with a girl he can never have, hunted by a man he never knew, and desperate for his hereditary power as yet denied.Swan’s Petition

Bob Nelson
After a hard fought battle, the crew of the Jolly Jo look for refuge at a neutral Outpost. What they find could change the whole Human-Proximan equation.Outpost


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