Gawen's Claim: A Scottish Time Travel Romance

· Highlander Fate, Lairds of the Isles 1. liburua · Stella Knight Books
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She falls back through time . . . and right into the arms of a dashing Highlander...

Lila Fletcher is determined to prove the strength of her magical time traveling ability to herself, her family, and her coven. But when she travels back in time to fourteenth century Scotland to contend with a malevolent foe, she must also battle an all-consuming desire for a dashing Highland laird...

After losing his family to illness, Gawen MacRaild has turned his back on love. Yet his obligation to duty conflicts with his growing desire to claim the bonnie time traveling lass for his own...

As Lila and Gawen work together to destroy a dark enemy intent on altering time, they struggle against their pull of mutual love and desire, while their powerful foe--and time itself--threatens their future...

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This book should be of interest related to the following:

medieval romance, Scottish romance, Highlanders, time travel, Scottish historical romance, time travel romance, Scottish time travel romance, books about Highlanders, Outlander, time travel romance books, fantasy romance, historical romance, witches, magic, time travel romance, Scottish time travel romance, 14th century romance, Scottish medieval romance, ancient world romance, historical fantasy, historical romance

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