Gender Swapping Her Assistant (Gender Swap Medical Exam and Femdom Humiliation Erotica)

· The Red Spot Press
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Medical assistant Kyle Barron has worn out his welcome with the women in his first ward. Now he's being transferred to a new department, and he's hearing very strange things about the woman he'll be working under. Beautiful and domineering, Dr. Quayle is certainly in-demand among patients, but it's also rumored the sexy doctor runs a restricted research facility adjoining the hospital.

When Kyle decides to discover the secrets of Dr. Quayle for himself, he has no idea what's in store - or that he's just the kind of troublemaker the unforgiving doctor's been looking for to make her newest test subject...

Reader Advisory: This story is for mature audiences only and features intensely erotic situations, femdom humiliation, feminization gender swap, bimbofication and the use of potent aphrodisiacs, sexual manipulation, bondage, discipline, submissiveness and dominance. All characters are 18 or older.

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I love a good femdom story. Thinking about a woman who takes all the power and dominance in the relationship for herself without giving up any of her own seductive femininity? Imagining a man who can accommodate a forceful woman and knows how to give up control without giving up himself and his masculinity ... or who has to learn. Those things just press all my buttons. What’s a girl to do but write her fantasies?

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