Geoengineering: The interference in the atmospheric cocktail could be described as the greatest experiment in human history... the outcome is highly uncertain

· MB Cooltura
Электрон ном

Энэ электрон номын тухай

Releasing tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere to mitigate the impact of the sun, transforming carbon dioxide into mineral rock and burying it or altering ocean currents are some of the "solutions", both drastic and dangerous, proposed by geoengineering. The narrative on climate change could be a pretext for the millionaire financing of a series of initiatives promoted many times by the same actors that caused the problem in the first place.

Зохиогчийн тухай

Sociologist, member of the research group on digital culture and network theory, he worked as a columnist for several newspapers. He currently lectures in different European countries, Canada and the United States.

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