Getting Past Your Past: Finding Freedom from the Pain of Regret

· Прадавец: Multnomah
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Often Christians feel saved from the ultimate penalty for their sins, but not from the persistent pain of regret. The long-lasting consequences of bad decisions leave many feeling perpetually out of God's will and unable to move forward into freedom and productivity. Getting Past Your Past is the antidote to the kind of regret that can stall us spiritually and bind us up in emotional pain. Susan Wilkinson lights a clear path out of this prison with six steps, including understanding and truly embracing grace; learning to forego secrets and live authentically; and grieving old dreams and dreaming new ones. This wise, heartfelt book offers strong spiritual and emotional resolution of regret by focusing on the sovereignty and unmerited kindness of God, who alone can restore the peace we've sometimes lost.

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Звесткі пра аўтара

Susan Wilkinson is most passionate about her relationship with the Lord and her three children. A widow, Susan is an author whose work has been featured in Focus on the Family, ParentLife, and Single-Parent Family magazines. She lives with her children near Seattle, where she is pursuing a degree in biblical studies.

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