Gobbledygook: A Dictionary That's 2/3 Accurate, 1/3 Nonsense - And 100% Up to You to Decide

· Vendido por Simon and Schuster
1 recensión
Libro electrónico

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blad: To strike hard or buffet.
kring: To focus on with laser-like intensity.
stridhana: Under Hindi law, property belonging to a woman.

Two of these words and their definitions are right. One word and its meaning have been made up. But which one? Only if you've read this book will you know for sure!*

This fun, fascinating book boasts hundreds of obscure, outdated, and outrageous words. You and your friends will spend hours of fun debating, shouting, laughing, and mulling over such obtuse gems as galliardise, telestich, and quidnunc. And you'll have even more fun guessing the lexicographical imposters, scoring points, and outwitting your family and friends.

Let the word games begin!

*And you won't find out which one is fake unless you buy the book!

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1 recensión

Acerca do autor

William Wilson is fascinated by all things having to do with words. He is the coauthor of several books about words and frequently uses words in his everyday life and communication with others. He lives in Winston-Salem, NC.

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