God Gave Us Angels: A Picture Book

· በWaterBrook የተሸጠ
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ስለዚህ ኢ-መጽሐፍ

This uplifting tale will encourage young hearts by exploring the glory and design of God’s messengers, while turning toward him with praise—part of the bestselling God Gave Us series, with more than 5 million books sold!

“What do angels do all day, Papa?”
When Papa finds Little Cub looking for angels, it gives him a chance to tell his beloved child about those that may be in their midst, even when they can’t be seen.  Exploring their exhilarating Arctic world as they talk, Papa lovingly answers all of Little Cub’s questions about angels—and as usual, she has a lot. She wants to know what they do, how they look, how they guard God’s loved ones, and best of all, how they serve the Creator of the world. 
“God really created angels to serve him more than us, Little Cub.
They love him and would do anything for him.”
Also available:
God Gave Us You
God Gave Us Two
God Gave Us Christmas
God Gave Us Heaven
God Gave Us Love
God Gave Us the World
God Gave Us Easter
God Gave Us Thankful Hearts

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Lisa T. Bergren is the author of nearly forty titles, including God Gave Us You, the bestselling beginning of the beloved God Gave Us… series. Her works span many genres, from adult fiction to devotionals. She makes her home in Colorado with her husband, Tim, and their children, Olivia, Emma, and Jack.
Laura J. Bryant has illustrated numerous award-winning children’s books, including God Gave Us You, Smudge Bunny, and If You Were My Baby. She studied painting, printmaking, and sculpture at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore and lives in Asheville, North Carolina.

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