God's Little Book of Guarantees

· 書商:Multnomah


This little gift book delivers personalized promises from Scripture rephrased as direct "guarantees" from God to the reader. Key verses addressing important areas of life -- finances, marriage, ministry, healing, eternal life, and more -- are organized topically and indexed so seekers can easily find promises to meet their very specific needs. Each page offers one resounding guarantee, complete with "warranty notes" describing the conditions of the promise and a short prayer helping the reader "stake your claim!" The promises of God have never been easier to find or simpler to receive

guarantee\gar-en-‘tē\ n 1: a pledge, something given as security 2: the protection of a right afforded by legal provision.

God’s Word Is His Promise

…and His promise is His guarantee.

—A Binding Contract—

This contemporary collection of God’s eternal promises defines His terms of agreement and sets forth His benefit package in key areas of daily living.

In the fine print of these unchanging Warranty Notes is your spiritual insurance policy for abundant living—yesterday, today, and forever. Carry them. Share them. Build on them securely. Signed, sealed, delivered—they’re yours!


Heather Kopp is an editor and writer whose fifteen books include the bestseller The Dieter's Prayer Book and God's Little Book of Guarantees. She is also the coauthor of Because I Said Forever. Kopp and her husband, David, have five children and live in central Oregon.




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