Noah Keniston
I havent read it, i just think its funny how the only people who are leaving reviews are either 5 star TRUMP BAAAAD or 1 star TRUMP IS JESUS. They're not rating the book based on how its written theyre praising it for saying trumps an ignoramus and thats theyre only political standing or theyre complaining about everything because "oh no... mista obama couldnt be cwitisised wike this... twump is poifect yo-y-y-you wibtaad boohoo i cant handle things i disagwee wiv cus im a widdle baby"
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Shane Miller
Where is the book about OBAMA doing the same thing? By the way those policies that President Trump used were from Barack Hussein Obama. Your PATHETIC attempt to destroy a wonderful children's book is NOTHING more than VIRTUAL SIGNALING! IF YOU HATE AMERICA PLEASE LEAVE! HUST REMEMBER THAT PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP IS YOUR PRESIDENT! TRUMP2020
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Austin Fidler
Politics aside this is not even a decent "parody" book (if that's what you want to call it). Reads like a FB post from an angry ex. Trump does enough dumb stuff it could have been actually funny, someone should do a "Good" series like this on multiple political heads: Trump, Biden, Rush L., Nancy P..... and the list could go on and on. We all need to learn to laugh at ourselves and our side or we're going to tear this beautiful country in two (not one side fully to blame).
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