
· Shadow Ops Team 7 knyga · Makenna Jameison
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She was rescued once before and vowed never to let a man control her again…

Lena Andersen knows what it’s like to live in hell. Kidnapped by a predator and then saved by a gruff, hardened man fighting his own demons, she’s living in a state of wariness and fear. Then the unthinkable happens. She’s taken—again. And there’s no way her savior will find her this time.

Former Special Forces Operative Gray Pierce was held hostage during his final days in the Army. The last man to join the Shadow Ops Team, he’s also the last man to have a soft spot for a woman. The beautiful and unattainable assistant to his boss isn’t the type of woman to fall for a guy like him, but he’s exactly the type of man she needs.

When Lena is kidnapped for a second time, Gray will burn down the world to find her. The heat between them could light an inferno, but will they be able to trust enough to fall for each other as well?

Gray, a standalone novel, is book seven in the sizzling Shadow Ops Team series.

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USA Today bestselling author Makenna Jameison writes sizzling romantic suspense, including the addictive Alpha SEALs series. Makenna loves the beach, strong coffee, red wine, and traveling. She lives in Washington DC with her husband and two daughters.

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