ysar m
While the story is cute enough, I never really made any connection with Lucy, so I can’t really rave over it the way so many others have. For me, there were funny moments and then there were cringeworthy trying-too-hard-to-be-funny moments, and Lucy’s character was pretty inconsistent through it all. I liked Fawn a lot, and it was good to see that she and her incredibly rich groom were dealing with normal people problems like disapproving family members, but even that started to grate on my nerves as he had trouble truly standing up for himself and defending his bride to be. In the end, it was a little too slapstick for me, with characters who thrived on misunderstandings, crazy expectations, and nutty scenes that probably should have made me laugh but didn’t. I’m not saying it was bad writing or an awful story; I guess maybe it’s just for romantics with a different sense of humor than what I’ve got.
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A Google user
Some parts had me breathing out extra hard in laughter. A few minute portions were confusing because of numerous unlabelled dialogues and multiple vague pronouns. I like how at the end of it, they still did not compromise and settle.
Anne Hathaway
At first it was really slow going,but it gets better. Lucy isn't sure what to do about her boyfriend and she has one of her friends who's getting married, she's so confused. What is she going to do with her life now? I enjoyed the book more and more as I got into it. Anne H.
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