Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash: Volume 4

· Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash 4. zväzok · J-Novel Club
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"Don't scare me like that, Moguzo."

"Sorry, sorry."

Moguzo let out an embarrassed laugh and scratched the back of his head. Still, he sure is bleeding a lot, Haruhiro thought. With all that blood, it's impossible to tell what kind of face he's making. But, well, it looks like he's fine somehow.

Haruhiro and his party reached the end of one major battle. However, with there being some comrades they couldn't save, they couldn't be entirely happy with how things were. Meanwhile, because they managed to accomplish more than anyone had expected, some members of the party receive offers from other teams wanting to poach them, too. As Haruhiro agonizes over what to do as a leader, he is forced to come to grips with what the party wants to do once again.

The story of adventure born from the ashes now enters a new stage!

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