Grinding One's Teeth and Muscle Related Malocclusions

· Pirjo Turpeinen
1 шүүмж
Электрон ном

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A guide to relieving muscular tensions of the mouth and recognizing the symptoms. An aid to tautness of jaws. 

Tensions in the mouth area have increased as the spirit of the time has become more strained. Life is hectic and requirements have got more severe. Work, hobbies and family, they all demand time. And there just doesn’t seem to be enough of it.


Grinding one’s teeth and muscle-related malocclusions works as a guide to alleviating, and even getting rid of tensions of the mouth. It contains information about symptoms and causes as well as concrete instructions.

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

1 шүүмж

Зохиогчийн тухай

Facial masseuse Pirjo Turpeinen has developed the Swan massage method. Bruxism treatment as a physical experience, and flavored with image relaxation, will help you to get rid of grinding and clenching your teeth. You will learn to recognize the state of your tension, and you will get help for everyday strains. This book contains ten exercises belonging to the method.

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