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An orc is a fireplug of a fighting machine made of muscle, hide, talon, and tusk, with a villainous disposition and a mean sense of humor. And, of course, an orc is a poor dumb grunt—the much abused foot soldier in the Horde of Darkness.

The usual last battle of Good against Evil is about to begin, and Orc Captain Ashnak and his war band know exactly what to expect. The forces of Light are outnumbered, full of headstrong heroes devoid of tactics, but the Light's still going to win. Orcs will die by the thousands, and no one cares. Not even the Nameless Necromancer who hired them...

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Mary Gentle has written eight books, including Grunts and Ash: A Secret History, which have won critical acclaim from science fiction and fantasy authors and critics alike. She's completed two master's degrees amd is an expert sword fighter. She resides in England.

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