Guinness World Records 2015

· Saltzailea: Guinness World Records
70 iritzi
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With a fresh new design and feel inspired by innovations in tablet technology, the latest GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS book presents thousands of new and updated records, along with hundreds of amazing never-before-seen photographs. The 2015 edition showcases the very best of the most recent world records, with new subjects as diverse as castles, 3D printing, the search for alien life and the latest developments in AI and robotics. Plus, the Flashback features offer a look back at the archives to bring you the best of the classic and iconic records from the past 60 years. Meanwhile, the Gallery spreads present the best GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS photography across themed topics such as giant musical instruments, wacky vehicles and animals in action. And look out for details of how readers can become record-breakers themselves.

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70 iritzi

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Guinness World Records (GWR) is the global authority on record-breaking achievements. First published in 1955, the annual Guinness World Records® book has become one of the biggest-selling copyright titles of all time, selling 120 million copies to date in 22 languages and in more than 100 countries. The internationally renowned brand is now also available across a number of platforms - GWR's digital media and online record-processing services attract more than 50 million visitors a year; and the live events team annually entertains and inspires 1.5 million people around the world. GWR receives more than 1,000 applications each week and has a specialized team of multi-language record managers and adjudicators who travel the globe to verify official record attempts.

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