Hard Limit

· The Alpha Antihero Series 1. kniha · Sybil Bartel
43 recenzií
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One breath.

That was all I needed.

Air in my lungs so I could exhale through the pain.

Stabbed and broken, my limbs useless, I tried and failed to lift my head. Mosquitoes swarmed, and the sun dropped. My face in the mud, I swore to myself I would not die out here.

Then I heard her voice—angel soft and breathless—and I wondered if I had been kidding myself. I did not have time to figure it out. A small hand landed on my back, and I fisted my bloody knife.

If I was going to die tonight, I was taking someone with me.

*HARD LIMIT is the first book in the Alpha Antihero Series. It is Tarquin “Candle” Scott’s story, and it is not a standalone.

The Alpha Antihero Series:





Topics: Romantic Suspense, Military Romance, Contemporary Romance, Billionaire Romance, Alpha Bodyguards, Alpha Antiheros, Alpha Heroes, Alpha Elite Series, Alpha Bodyguard Series, Uncompromising Series, Southern Romance, Sybil Bartel, Sybil Bartel Romance, USA Today Bestseller, Dark Romance, Bad Boy Romance, Steamy Romance, Sexy Romance, Marines, Veterans, Navy SEAL Romance, Hot Romance, HEA, HFN, Dominant Heroes, Sassy Heroines, Romance Series, Billionaire Heroes, Army romance, Special Forces, Damsel in distress, Hot Romance, Insta Love Romance, Slow Burn Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Age Gap Romance, May to December Romance, Single Mother Romance, Broken Hero Romance, Suspense Series, Romantic Suspense Series, Step Brother Romance, Best Friend’s Brother Romance, Dominant Hero Romance, Alpha, Dom, Captivating Romance, Swoon Worthy Romance, Secret Baby Romance, Jealous Hero Romance, Possessive Hero Romance, MC Romance.

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43 recenzií

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