Harry Lipkin, Private Eye: A Novel

· በAnchor የተሸጠ

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Meet Harry Lipkin, the world's oldest private detective: part Sam Spade, part Woody Allen, all mensch.

Harry Lipkin is a tough-talking, soft-chewing, rough-around-the-edges, slow-around-the-corners private investigator who carries a .38 along with a spare set of dentures. Harry specializes in the sort of cases that cops can't be bothered with, but knows where to find good chopped liver for a fair price. He might not be the best P.I. in Miami, but at 87, he's certainly the oldest.

His latest client, Mrs. Norma Weinberger, has a problem. Someone in her home is stealing sentimental trinkets and the occasional priceless jewel from her; someone she employs, trusts, cares for, and treats like family. With the stakes so low and blood pressure that's a little too high, Harry Lipkin must figure out whodunit before the thief strikes again.
Sure to appeal to fans of Alexander McCall Smith, Harry Lipkin, Private Eye is sharp, funny and irresistible.


BARRY FANTONI was the chief contributor and writer for Private Eye magazine, and a diary cartoonist for the Times. He is the author of several detective novels published in the 1980s, one of which was published in the United States.

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