Haunted England: The Penguin Book of Ghosts

· Penguin UK
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Watch out for a ghostly ship and its spectral crew off the coast of Cornwall

Listen for the unearthly tread and rustling silk dress of Darlington's Lady Jarratt

Shiver at the malevolent apparition of 50 Berkeley Square that no-one survives seeing

Beware the black dog of Shap Fell: a sighting warns of fatal accidents

England's past echoes with stories of unquiet spirits and hauntings, of headless highwaymen and grey ladies, indelible bloodstains and ghastly premonitions. Here, county by county, are the nation's most fascinating supernatural tales and bone-chilling legends: from a ghostly army marching across Cumbria to the vanishing hitchhiker of Bluebell Hill, from the gruesome Man-Monkey of Shropshire to the phantom congregation who gather for a 'Sermon of the Dead' ...

Muallif haqida

Jennifer Westwood's books include Albion: A Guide to Legendary Britain (1985), Gothick Cornwall (1992), Lost Atlantis (1997) and On Pilgrimage (2003). Dr Jacqueline Simpson's books include Icelandic Folktales and Legends (1971, 2004), The Folklore of the Welsh Border (1976, 2004), British Dragons (1980, 2000), and, with Steve Roud, A Dictionary of English Folklore (2000).

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