Have Stakes Will Travel: Stories From the World of Jane Yellowrock (A Penguin Special From New American L ibrary)

· გამყიდველი: Penguin
20 მიმოხილვა

ამ ელწიგნის შესახებ

Four stories from the world of “smart, sexy, ruthless”* heroine Jane Yellowrock—plus bonus material!

In Have Stakes Will Travel, readers get a chance to go deeper into the thrilling world of skinwalker and vampire hunter Jane Yellowrock. In “WeSa,” the Beast who lives inside Jane watches as her hunting grounds become prey. In “Haints,” Jane and her best friend, witch Molly Trueblood, are hired to investigate mysterious paranormal phenomena—and the evil they find brings a new meaning to the words "haunted house." “Signatures of the Dead” tells the story of the vampire massacre that made Jane Yellowrock a household name. And in “Cajun with Fangs,” Jane makes a new friend who turns out to have old enemies, and finds herself drawn into a vicious blood feud, fueled by dark magic and ancient grudges.

Includes an exclusive preview of the newest Jane Yellowrock novel, Death’s Rival—out October 2012 from Roc!

“Wesa,” “Haints,” and “Cajun with Fangs” are never before published. The story “Signatures of the Dead” previously appeared in the Strange Brew anthology.

*New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison  

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20 მიმოხილვა

ავტორის შესახებ

Faith Hunter is the author of the Jane Yellowrock and Rogue Mage urban fantasies, as well as many mysteries and thrillers under her real name, Gwen Hunter.

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