
· Rogue Series 9. liburua · Saltzailea: Penguin
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Liburu elektroniko honi buruz

You've never met a heroine like Lady Anne Peckworth. The sheltered daughter of a duke, she has always been a perfect lady, even when jilted. Twice. Now, however, she's angry, and she's angry at the single most reckless, most irresponsible, most irresistible man she's ever known...

You've never met a hero like Race de Vere. Far below Anne's station in life, he has invaded her orderly world like a pirate, tempting her to the edge and beyond. He leads her into impropriety, into wickedness, and then into the most dangerous step of all - the adventure that could win or lose her everything in one hazardous night....

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15 iritzi

Egileari buruz

Jo Beverley was the New York Times bestselling author of the Rogue series and numerous other romance novels. Widely regarded as one of the most talented romance writers today, she was a five-time winner of Romance Writers of America’s cherished RITA Award and one of only a handful of members of the RWA Hall of Fame. She also twice received the Romantic Times Career Achievement Award. She had two grown sons and lived with her husband in England. Jo Beverley passed away in May 2016.

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