Since the very planning of the event, the Promised Messiah(as) laid down two fundamental principles as his conditions for the debate. First, all claims and arguments should be sourced strictly from the respective party’s scriptures. Secondly, he emphasised that a living religion must demonstrate Heavenly Signs in its favour. The Christian side, however, proved thoroughly inept in both areas.
The debate took place from 22 May 1893 to 5 June 1893, and thirteen papers were published in total. All across India, Muslims were inspired by the innovative arguments of the Promised Messiah(as) and the outcome of the debate had far-reaching consequences for advancing the spread of Islam and arresting the growth of Christianity.
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908), the holy founder of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, born in Qadian, a village in rural Punjab, India, was the Divinely appointed Reformer of the latter days and the Promised Messiah and Mahdi. He was sent by God in fulfilment of the prophecies contained in the Holy Bible, the Holy Quran and Hadith, with the express task of rediscovering Islam in its pristine purity and beauty, and bringing mankind back to the Creator.