He Holly Key

Noetika Medya Yayıncılık Danışmanlık Bilişim.tur.san.ve Tic.a.ş.
Электрон ном

Энэ электрон номын тухай

 On a cold and misty Vatican day ... As the decision to buy was made, pigeons in the Vatican squares were flying in panic. Extremely serious-looking men were seated at a large table and dived into deep thought. These were the Black Cardinals in the Vatican, who had different beliefs and had different lives than the Vatican principles.

Зохиогчийн тухай

 Who is Mustafa karnas?

 A mediator, a curious. He was born on a stormy night in 1962, in a shanty house in Istanbul. journalist-publisher, lived abroad for a long time, learned a lot of foreign languages. One of the two greatest philosophers of the 21st century; He left the second to your choice. He has written and published more than 100 books. what you are writing - what you say is a living man. with life adventures, full of ignorance; The man of secrets is worth exploring, but he does not let it be discovered. a genius who has made himself a spell by his uncompromising personality, with respect to esoteric, noetic, metaphysical, quantum mechanics and future sciences; master of the writing - master of the words. a future writer - a thinker. one of the world's three largest rhetoricians; left the other two to your choice. noetic reason and cortex will - my conversations - personal development books are sold in sets.

books from: mustafakarnaskitaplari.com 

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