Heal Your Heart: The Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease

· Myyjä: Rodale Books
4 arvostelua

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Keep a healthy heart for life!

Stress and other negative emotions contribute to at least 25 percent of all heart attacks, but now, cutting-edge research shows that positive emotions cause a chemical change in your body that directly improves your overall cardiovascular health.

In Heal Your Heart, Dr. Michael Miller--a leader in the fields of preventive and behavioral cardiology--outlines his Positive Emotions Prescription, a 28-day program designed to undo past heart damage and reduce your risk of stroke, heart attack, and more. You’ll discover how eating certain foods, listening to specific kinds of music, and even increasing the amount of time you spend laughing can promote heart health and overall positive well-being.

Complete with success stories from Dr. Miller's patients, this go-to reference and prescriptive plan will help you lose weight, reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure, and keep your heart healthy for life.

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Michael Miller, MD, is a cardiologist and world authority in heart disease prevention whose original research was the first to show the benefit of positive emotions on the cardiovascular system. He chaired the American Heart Association's national statement on the triglycerides and heart disease and is a member of the AHA Nutrition and Lifestyle Committee. Dr. Miller has appeared on Good Morning America, 20/20, Rachael Ray, and the Discovery Channel. His breakthrough work has been featured in USA Today, New York Times, and Scientific American. He is a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and lives in Baltimore, MD.

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