
· Firefighters of Montana Kirja 4 · Tule Publishing
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Callie McClain is back in Montana after a twelve year absence to care for her ailing father, despite the fact she can’t stand the cold and isolation. But in an ironic twist of fate, it seems Montana is finally giving her what she wants—blistering heat and a fiery glow that threatens to incinerate everything in its path. Wildfire. The only thing hotter than the advancing flames is the smokejumper who comes to her rescue, and suddenly Callie is finding reasons why Montana might just have everything she’s ever wanted. 

Tyler Dodson can’t recall a time when he didn’t want to be a smokejumper. There’s nothing as dangerous—or as exhilarating—as jumping, until he rescues a pretty veterinarian from an advancing wildfire. He knows he shouldn’t get involved. He doesn’t need that kind of complication in his life, and distractions of any kind can be deadly in his line of work. So why can’t he keep his mind – and his hands – off of Callie McClain? 

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