Hegel and the Other: A Study of the Phenomenology of Spirit

· State University of New York Press
1 opinia

Informacje o e-booku

This volume by Philip J. Kain is one of the most accessibly written books on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit available. Avoiding technical jargon without diluting Hegel's thought, Kain shows the Phenomenology responding to Kant in far more places than are usually recognized. This perspective makes Hegel's text easier to understand. Kain also argues against the traditional understanding of the absolute and touches on Hegel's relation to contemporary feminist and postmodern themes.

Oceny i recenzje

1 opinia

O autorze

Philip J. Kain is Professor of Philosophy at Santa Clara University and is the author of Marx and Modern Political Theory: From Hobbes to Contemporary Feminism.

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